I go out of our house with the sun peeking at the morning clouds. It kisses my cheeks good luck as I walk my way towards school – each careful step signifying a mixture of fear and excitement for whatever might happen in the day. One, a fulfillment of the goals that are set for the day. Two, failing to accomplish what I, myself, have mandated myself to do. Either way, I will survive – but a matter of happiness or frustration will be the difference between the former and the latter.
I go out of our house with the first rays of the sun kissing my cheeks. A gentle shine, a mild heat. It’s December, the melting Siberian ice makes the season more lovable to me. The temperature drops at 22 degrees Celsius; my energy increases further. I am excited for whatever may transpire during the day. Because I, myself, have chosen where I want to go. Where I would be going. Where I am headed to.
While I am riding the LRT, the sun slowly stretches its rays from the stratocumulus, extending to the north, east, south, west. At seven in the morning, lights are everywhere – the sun is shining brightly. The luster awakens every drowsy eyes and abated soul. Officially, it’s morning. Another night has ended, another day has begun. Today begins.
Things gradually unfold itself. A bit of control, a careful opinion, lots of patience, and a bunch of passion. The sun hides itself once again from the stratocumulus, its arm of shining rays condensing from the north, east, south, west. But as the sun shrinks, lights are illumined. Light bulbs. Gas lights. Car lights. Fluorescent lights. Christmas lights.
I walk towards where I am headed to, from where I have destined myself to be. Traversing the catwalk, I see the beauty of the façade of our university. The sun that illumines the day has been replicated on it – and has multiplied. The stars on the sky have gone down everywhere – sparkling and splendid. Wreaths are hanged as well – and beautifully lighted.
Countless stars shining, suns beaming, wreaths burnishing. In the hindsight, you can feel the magnificence that these lights radiate. What a splendor.
I ride the FX and gaze towards the façade, the surroundings. I am happy. The view seems to be more beautiful from afar. Now, what I see are no longer stars, suns and wreaths. But lights scattered all around. Oh, I still see stars. But now, hanging on trees – as if meteor showers have permanently painted shafts of light to a height reachable by men. The night is so bright. Lights are beauty.
In the beginning, there is light. In the end, there is still light. Lights all over, lights all around.
Yesterday: Completion of survey for Thesis in accountancy. Taping for TOMCAT's Lunchbox. Debate Training with my fellow Rhetoricians. Yesterday's happy, shalala :)
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