July 21: Cinemalaya Film Congress
Latecomer for the Congress makes her assignment at the Lobby instead.
Ambush interview by a Network
August 8: Francis Kong @ Cornestone (invitation by Mam Faye)
Front to back: Mam Faye, Margo, Gissele, Jam, Judy
August 11: Recording of U-TURN Jingle and Paper-making at
with the guidance of Sir Ferrer)
Supposedly PRSP Representatives :(
Busy with the concept and the creatives
August 20 to 21: TOMCAT Planning @ Baang Cafe, Tomas Morato
Judy, Wado, Jam alive at 3 in the morning
Sinong susunod na heads?
August 25: Recognition of University-Wide Student Organizations @ the UST Seminary Gym
Receiving the certificate with Wado
TOMCAT recognized for the 3rd year :)August-September-October-Second Sem-March. More to Life!
To God be the Glory for everyday victories - and defeats - in Life.
Photos from Multiply accounts of:
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