"Twenty-four. How come that you have grown up that much without knowing that basic universal fact!" Mara responded, perplexed with her special friend's query.
"I disagree," Andy replied with a naughty smile. Mara turned to her and said, "And so how many if not 24?"
"25. There are 25 hours in a day. The 25th is the time for us to be together." Mara geared her gaze at the sheets before them. Andy took her hand, and laid their clasped hands on Mara's shoulder.
Amidst silence, they stood, looking at the poster of the most popular love story printed on the paper. Both of them simply smiled.
Gawan ng kwento ang litrato. For our photography class :))
In the photo: Blockmates Me Ann and Nico during a Photography Class trip at the UST Publishing House.
In the photo: Blockmates Me Ann and Nico during a Photography Class trip at the UST Publishing House.
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