Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Big Picture

I have scanned past blogs, trying to delve in good and happy thoughts for me to be back on my toes. From my entry titled "Full Moon" at my first blog (Codes of the Reincarnated Warrior), I have found this beautiful insight by Fr. Jerry Orbos, cited from his column at the Philippine Daily Inquirer last September 21, 2008:

There are many things we do not, and cannot understand in this life. Why, for instance, do the good suffer and the bad seem to prosper in this life? Whenever we encounter such enigmatic moments, let us take the road of trust rather than doubt. The road of doubt is the road that leads to nowhere. The road of trust leads to the conviction that God is now here.

“Is God asleep?” How often have we asked this question in frustration, especially when we see so much corruption and injustice around us, real or imagined? We must not give up on God’s justice, goodness and love. To do so is to give up on our goodness too, and that is precisely what the evil one would want us to do. Through it all, we must believe—and keep on believing—that there is a God who is in control, that there is a plan, and that there is a God who sees it all.

Speaking of seeing, did you get to see the full moon last Sept. 15? The moon was biggest and fullest that night, and pity, many of us did not even get or care to see it, because we were “busy” with more important things in life. The moon is a beautiful reminder of God’s gentle presence in our midst. May the mellow moonlight remind us of peace, and assure us that everything happens and unfolds according to God’s will and time. We cannot force, nor can we control and manipulate life and its seasons. Romantic? Fatalistic? No. Realistic. There are many things beyond our control in this life, and there are more things given to us, so all the more we should be humble and grateful and strive to give back our very best to life, and to the Giver of life.

The road of doubt is the road that leads to nowhere. The road of trust leads to the conviction that God is now here. This is what I need.