I got the pair of pearls that was peacefully lying on the inside couch of the jewelry box. White, round and lustrous, I handed the pieces of these precious stones with great care. I gazed at it with awe and pride: such a spectacular work of nature that defined art in its simplest yet most complicated manner. Whichever way man has been able to duplicate it, still, precious pearls produced underwater can never ever be matched by cultured ones. Rare and fine: truly, these stones were exquisite and valuable.

A drop of water fell one day from a cloud into the sea. Ashamed and confused at finding itself in such an immensity of water, it exclaimed, 'What am I in comparison of this vast ocean? My existence is less than nothing in this boundless abyss!' While it thus discoursed of itself, a pearl-shell received it in its bosom, and fortune so favoured it that it became a magnificent and precious pearl, worthy of adorning the diadem of kings. Thus was its humility the cause of its elevation, and by annihilating itself, it merited exaltation.
Stepping out of the scientific realm as regard to the creation of pearls and pondering on these legends, it was such a spectacle that a simple tear from the goddess of Love had formed a stone that had captured the hearts of impassioned women. Moreover, an ordinary drop of water from heaven had brought about a gem that caught the eyes of livelihood-oriented men.
From water came a gem; from water sprung forth passion and wealth. Doubtless that Romans and Greeks alike associated it with things of unique value, as women of modern times treated it like a favorite child and men considered it a cherished possession.
Thus was its humility the cause of its elevation, and by annihilating itself, it merited exaltation. Rare and fine: truly, these precious stones were exquisite and valuable - may it be in legends or in real life. Pearl: a gem of unsurpassed beauty and elegance.
Pearl: the Birthstone of June.
Happy Birthday, June fellows! :)
June 7: Julie Ungay
June 8: Uncle John Caranto
June 18: Ate Abi Aldaba, Ate Didith Dauz
For us June babies:
Rare and fine: truly exquisite and valuable. A gem of unsurpassed beauty and elegance.
Let's bear in mind where we have come from: Thus was its humility the cause of its elevation, and by annihilating itself, it merited exaltation.
Let's bear in mind where we have come from: Thus was its humility the cause of its elevation, and by annihilating itself, it merited exaltation.
God bless us all! :)
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